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"The Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners" − Author, presenter, co-host of 2 launch events

Michael Wright

Updated: May 5, 2021

Recently, Michael Wright, owner and lead consultant for Sustain, presented at and co-hosted 2 super events with the book editor, Dr Anna Spenceley, to launch the invaluable book "The Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners: The essential toolbox". Michael also authored Chapter 7 of the book.

Videos of the two virtual launch events are now live, and they included chapter snapshot presentations and Q&A sessions with 10 of the lead authors, namely Randy Durband, Ante Mandić, Paul Eagles, Shane Feyers, Monica Mic, Jos van der Sterren, Jeff Muntifering, Carolin Lusby, Ted Manning, and Michael Wright.

It was great to have so many committed practitioners showing keen interest in this resource and this cause, and to enjoy their meaningful participation in the sessions.

The book comprises 27 chapters from 50 international experts in their respective fields, and Michael’s chapter in this exceptional 576 page resource is entitled: “Funding Proposals for New Tourism Ventures”.

The links to the video recordings of these sessions are:

Get the book here:

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